Thursday, September 20, 2018

Tomb of Annihilation Ep 3: HMS Friendship

We're taking it back to Chult*, to go see about a death curse. Seems pretty important, we should probably get on that... but first, let's keep dicking around in Port Nyanzaru.

*Don't worry my feeble minded friends, Dan provides a quick recap at the beginning of the episode.

Thursday, September 6, 2018

Tyranny of Dragons Ep 9: Castle in the Mere

The party finds their way to Castle Naerytar, and after gaining the Lizardfolk as allies, they began exploring the Castle. The Lizardfolk Revolution has begun in the Mere of Dead Men, but will the Lizardfolk's zeal and hatred of the Bullywugs and "Dragon Kneelers" get in the way of parties plans?

Curse of Strahd pt 17: Rahadin Again?

The party begins their expedition into Castle Ravenloft as we edge closer and closer to the finale of Curse of Strahd!