Sunday, April 29, 2018

Episode 34: Curse of Strahd pt. 16

This weeks episode the party finally returns to Vallaki, and find their biggest surprise yet. The bones of St. Andral will just have to wait! Also, check out our concluding segment regarding #MinMaxMankind and #RollForHumanity. You won't want to miss this one!

Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!

PS, the audio gets a little weird at about 2:40:00. The feed lost its connection and the stream got broken into 3 streams. We combined all 3 into 1 video to upload to YouTube. 

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Curse of Strahd pt 17: Rahadin Again?

The party begins their expedition into Castle Ravenloft as we edge closer and closer to the finale of Curse of Strahd!