Saturday, June 2, 2018

"From the desk of Crispin the Bard" on Dragons

Welcome back to our weekly web series of musings from our friendly bard, Crispin!

Let this be a lesson, like judging your kin
You cannot judge a dragon by the tone of its skin

Sure, a snowy dragon is naturally blue
But these deceitful creatures can change colors on you

Not only that, but they can change shape and size
So think twice before giving that old miser stink eyes

Because next thing you know, you push on his shoulder
And the weight that you feel is like hitting a bolder

And as his magical breath freezes you into ice
You can't help but think "Man, I should've been nice!"

Don't forget to check us out on Twitch and YouTube! We play most Sundays and upload the stream to YouTube same-day! You can also find us on twitter

@JgeonsDragclrk .

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