Tuesday, February 26, 2019

Curse of Strahd pt 17: Rahadin Again?

The party begins their expedition into Castle Ravenloft as we edge closer and closer to the finale of Curse of Strahd!

Thursday, February 21, 2019

Curse of Strahd pt.16: There's A What in Vallaki?

The party finally returns to Vallaki, and find their biggest surprise yet! The bones of St. Andral will just have to wait! Also, check out our concluding segment regarding #MinMaxMankind #RollForHumanity

Tuesday, February 5, 2019

Curse of Strahd pt.15: Who All is a Lich?

The party finds lots of loot as we push through the Amber Temple and encounter our deadliest foe yet. Things have changed for the party, and they've learned a lot about what they need to do going forward.

Curse of Strahd pt 17: Rahadin Again?

The party begins their expedition into Castle Ravenloft as we edge closer and closer to the finale of Curse of Strahd!