This is the official blog for the Twitch and Youtube Dungeons & Dragons group, Jaygeons & Dragclarks

Tuesday, December 25, 2018
Curse of Strahd pt.10: Deadly Spider of Light?
The party seeks for the means to free the soldiers of Argynovost from their ghostly charge. Toni stumbles across a secret that changes the shape of the campaign when he comes face to face with Strahd himself.
Tuesday, December 18, 2018
Curse of Strahd pt. 9: The Dead Take Up Arms?
The party continues their search for allies in Argynovostholt and stumble upon some very unique scenarios. This is a shorter session, gets in the way.
Friday, December 14, 2018
Curse of Strahd pt. 8: Who's Watching the Watchers?
The party wraps up the Watcher House with a bang and moves on towards Agynovostholt, narrowly avoiding Toni becoming vampire chow
Thursday, November 15, 2018
Curse of Strahd pt.7: Smutty Book Club?
The party reunites with a much more magical Toni and learns some dark secrets pertaining to an ally, as well as a few skeletons in Strahd's closet...
Thursday, November 8, 2018
Curse of Strahd pt.6: More Trees Here?
The party finds their stride as they find their nickname and remove a prominent member of the Strahd-Squad!
Thursday, November 1, 2018
Curse of Strahd pt.5: The Abbot in the Abbey?
The party's triumphant return to a full length session in Barovia as they get back down to business in tracking down the allies and artifacts they need to defeat Strahd!
Curse of Strahd pt.4: Sunny Vallaki?
The party (Lucien, Leovan, Toni, Hagrid, and Berlynn) gets into Vallaki, takes care of a hairy problem, meets Strahd, and starts gaining allies for their cause. We do a little shopping too
Curse of Strahd pt.3: A Goliath Punch in the Face?
The party (Lucien, Leovan, Toni, Hagrid, and Berlynn) learns their fate in Barovia from a fortune-teller, runs into some trouble with the Vistiani, and then finds some more trouble outside of Vallaki.
Curse of Strahd pt.2: Better Living Through Death?
The party (Lucien, Leovan, Toni, Hagrid, and Berlynn) ties up loose ends in Barovia before hitting the road for Vallaki
Curse of Strahd pt.1: Into the Svalich Woods?
The party (Lucien the Half-Elf Rogue, Leovan the Elf Ranger, Toni the Gnome Artificer, Hagrid the Goliath Cleric, and Berlynn the Halfling Rogue) makes things square with the Bloody Hunt and embarks on a joint contract between the Hunt and the Zhentarim to travel to Barovia and bring back the head of Strahd.
Session 0: The Beginning
The party (Lucien the Half-Elf Rogue, Leovan the Elf Ranger, and Toni the Gnome Artificer) meet a couple new players (Hagrid the Goliath Cleric and Berlynn the Halfling Rogue) in this episode and runs into trouble when they run into the hunting guild, The Bloody Hunt
Thursday, October 25, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 14: The Return to Barovia
The party reaches the thrilling conclusion of Hoard of the Dragon Queen and find themselves mysteriously back in the Blue Water Inn in Vallaki!
Thursday, October 18, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep.13: Watch Out For Dragons In Floating Castles?
The party finds their way to Parnast and gets aboard a cloud giant's flying castle! They have a close encounter of the chromatic kind as well!
Thursday, October 11, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 12: Beware Fighting Carpets?
The party finds themselves out in the cold after going through a portal and then find themselves in a very unlikely alliance!
Tuesday, October 9, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 11: Foggy Cavern Notions?
The party continues working their way through Castle Naerytar, a stronghold for the Cult of the Dragon after Toni's close call. What lurks beneath in this misty cavernous basement?
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 10: Toni smells, but what does he taste like?
Toni, Hagrid, and Leovan continue to explore the castle while Tyrannus and Crispin head off to spearhead the Lizardfolk rebellion against the Bullywugs. Toni has a close encounter of the tentacle kind.
Thursday, September 20, 2018
Tomb of Annihilation Ep 3: HMS Friendship
We're taking it back to Chult*, to go see about a death curse. Seems pretty important, we should probably get on that... but first, let's keep dicking around in Port Nyanzaru.
*Don't worry my feeble minded friends, Dan provides a quick recap at the beginning of the episode.
*Don't worry my feeble minded friends, Dan provides a quick recap at the beginning of the episode.
Thursday, September 6, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 9: Castle in the Mere
The party finds their way to Castle Naerytar, and after gaining the Lizardfolk as allies, they began exploring the Castle. The Lizardfolk Revolution has begun in the Mere of Dead Men, but will the Lizardfolk's zeal and hatred of the Bullywugs and "Dragon Kneelers" get in the way of parties plans?
Thursday, August 30, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 8: Snapjaw, Friend or Foe?
The Jaygeons boys sneaks their way around the Carnath Roadhouse and discovers where the Cult's loot is being kept...and where it's going. After some hard miles of travel, the party makes another very unlikely ally. Sense a theme?
Thursday, August 23, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 7: The Long Road Forward
The party continues to develop their relationship with Crispin on the road. Some thievery hijinks unfortunately target Hagrid... again... and the caravan gains a pair of mysterious travelers. Eventually the caravan reaches Waterdeep, and the party finds work as caravan guards to travel north, once more in their pursuit of the cult!
Thursday, August 16, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 6: Elturel, the City of LIghts
The party (Leovan, Toni, Hagrid, and Tyrannus) arrive in Elturel, do some shopping, meet up with Leosin, and join some factions before sailing for Baldur's Gate and getting hired as caravan guards to follow the Cultist's shipment of treasure north to Waterdeep. They meet a new friend, Crispin the Half-Orc Rogue, and Toni learns* the price of attacking random people!
Listener's Note: Toni doesn't really "learn" anything.
Listener's Note: Toni doesn't really "learn" anything.
Thursday, August 9, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 5...ish: The Lost Episode (Dramatic Reverb)
It's a special episode this week as Mike and Cory cover for missing audio and provide an entertaining recap of session 5 of Tyranny of Dragons.... which apparently involves acid mist, dragon eggs, and loot galore! Enjoy this unique twist on the classic Jaygeons & Dragclarks flavor*!
*Listener's Note: The "secret ingredient" is love.
Thursday, August 2, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 4: WHAT'S IN THE BOX!?
The new and improved party (Leovan, Toni, Hagrid, and Tyrannus) accepts a mission to return to the camp, and start exploring the Nursery!
Listener's note: Cory had some intermittent audio issues this week. Tried to edit around what we could, but apologies for any areas that might be difficult to hear. Make sure to tag all complaints with the hashtag #BooCoryBoo.
Welcome to the Jaygeons & Dragclarks podcast. This week Tyranny of Dragons continues as Leovan, Toni, Hagrid, and Tyrannus accept a mission to return to the camp, and start exploring the Nursery... wait a nursery? Great, just what we need, a bunch screaming babies... ugh, let's try not to die.
Listener's note: Cory had some intermittent audio issues this week. Tried to edit around what we could, but apologies for any areas that might be difficult to hear. Make sure to tag all complaints with the hashtag #BooCoryBoo.
Welcome to the Jaygeons & Dragclarks podcast. This week Tyranny of Dragons continues as Leovan, Toni, Hagrid, and Tyrannus accept a mission to return to the camp, and start exploring the Nursery... wait a nursery? Great, just what we need, a bunch screaming babies... ugh, let's try not to die.
Thursday, July 26, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 3: Raiding the Raiders
We continue the Tyranny of Dragon storyline as Hagrid, Toni, and Leoven make a new friend, trying desperately to fill the void left by the sudden departure of Berlin. Is this new gnome big enough to fill those empty shoes? Tune in to find out!
Sunday, July 22, 2018
Jaygeons & Dragclarks Session 41
The party gets real this week and discusses the ethical dilemmas facing them all following Lucien's actions at The People's Trust.
We did have some tech issues this week that we couldn't forsee, so the session is a bit shorter but features more heavy moments within the party. Jay was staying with Cory this weekend and we found out that his usually stable internet couldn't handle 2 people trying to be on skype and roll20 at once. Whoops. But next week we will get started with the party confronting the barbarians about that special alloy The Gaze wants to obtain.
As always, please follow us on Twitter and Twitch! Check out our YouTube channel, or subscribe to our, still new iTunes podcast! We are in the process of uploading our Tyranny of Dragons campaign, and publish a new episode every Thursday!
Thursday, July 19, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 2: Run of the Mill
This week we offer you the second episode of our run through Tyranny of Dragons. Cory DM's for a depleted Jaygeons & Dragclarcks crew, trying to find out just what the heck is happening in Greenest.
Saturday, July 14, 2018
Jaygeons & Dragclarks Session 40
This week, the party enters Lucien's hometown of Trae'Terran to find more info on the firearms showing up all over. The party is faced with some ethical dilemmas, however, after they find themselves foiling a heist.
Don't forget to check us out on Twitter! If you liked this video check out our other videos on YouTube or our iTunes podcast!
Thursday, July 12, 2018
Tyranny of Dragons Ep 1: Why So Blue, Dragon?
This week, we are delving deep into our vault to present the first episode of our journey through the Tyranny of Dragons story line. In this episode, Cory takes the helm as DM, as the gang fights a dragon... wait... seriously, Wizards!? A dragon in session 1? Ok, let's do it!
Listener's Note: Mike's audio level is much lower than the rest of the party and is quite difficult to hear at times... he really took that gnome role-playing seriously.
Listener's Note: Mike's audio level is much lower than the rest of the party and is quite difficult to hear at times... he really took that gnome role-playing seriously.
Thursday, July 5, 2018
Tomb of Annihilation Ep 2: Let's Just Become Pirates! (Podcast)
The Jaygeon and Dragclarks gang continues to look for ways to earn gold in Port Nyanzaru in order to be able afford supplies at these ridiculously upcharged Chult prices, before we aimlessly wander into the jungle to our assured deaths. Pirate hunting seems right up our alley! Well, besides that whole lack of sailing experience thing... but how hard can it be?
Monday, July 2, 2018
Episode 39
As I sit here writing up this blog post for our most recent session of Jaygeons & Dragclarks, I realize that I may need a new naming convention for our episodes now that we've returned to our homebrew campaign. Maybe Jay will give me a name for this arc and I can come back and rename things with it, but I don't think that'll happen for a little while.
That being said, here is our most recent session. We hope you guys enjoy this one, because we had a ton of fun playing it. It's been a really exciting prospect, being back in our hometown. It is weird though because we are nobodies in Ackre, but some of the party uses that to their advantage to start new ventures in our downtime.
Thursday, June 28, 2018
Tomb of Annihilation Ep 1: Wait... Can WE Get Hurt!? (Podcast)
The Jaygeons and Dragclarks crew begin their journey to Chult, with Mike taking the helm as DM. Does the party have what it takes to defeat the Death Curse, while avoiding their own mortal ends? Probably not, but it should still be fun anyways.
Sunday, June 24, 2018
Episode 38: Curse of Strahd pt. 19
Here it is friends. At long last. The finale of our Curse of Strahd campaign on roll20. It's been almost a year since we started it, and almost 20 4-hr chunks, but we finally defeated Strahd. Spoiler alert...I guess.
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
YouTube Episode Link
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
YouTube Episode Link
Monday, June 18, 2018
"From the Desk of Crispin the Bard" Gelatinous Cube
Gelatinous Cube:
In a tight narrow hallway you know danger looms,
Suddenly from behind you, a loud something booms
Your first reaction is to sprint and so you quick get to moving
But it feels like running through jello and quite difficult it's proving
And now completely stuck, you start confirming your fear
For your skin starts to burn, then boil, and then disappear.
So heed my advice, take your time, look twice, and don't be such a rube
Or ya might find yourself being dissolved alive inside a Gelatinous cube!
In a tight narrow hallway you know danger looms,
Suddenly from behind you, a loud something booms
Your first reaction is to sprint and so you quick get to moving
But it feels like running through jello and quite difficult it's proving
And now completely stuck, you start confirming your fear
For your skin starts to burn, then boil, and then disappear.
So heed my advice, take your time, look twice, and don't be such a rube
Or ya might find yourself being dissolved alive inside a Gelatinous cube!
If you've enjoyed this series, and want to see more musings like this, follow @DimwittedGenius
Episode 37 Curse of Strahd pt. 18
After a looooong hiatus due to uncontrollable circumstances, Jaygeons & Dragclarks is FINALLY back in action. In this episode, the party strikes a serious blow at Strahd and meet him where the prophesies led us to take him on for a final confrontation. Strahd isn't going down easy though as he throws us his biggest curveball yet!
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
YouTube Episode Link
YouTube Episode Link
Monday, June 11, 2018
"From the desk of Crispin the Bard" The Ordening
Don't worry fans, we aren't dead yet! Life has been finding ways of getting in our way very much the last few weeks. There have been parents flying in, work trips, work in general, even a death in extended family when a session seemed like a sure thing. We are striving week in and week out to play, because we love Dungeons & Dragons. So please bear with us, we will be back and we will finally defeat Strahd and get back to the wonderful homebrew world that Jay has built for us! When we finish Curse of Strahd, don't forget to check back here on our blog for Jay's special homebrew spin on Curse of Strahd!
Without any further ado and with no gilding of the lily, here is another bit of prose from our very own Crispin!
The Ordening:
Oh Giants have internal gripes, and to be quite frank, are full of surprises
They come in all different types, and here they rank, mostly according to sizes.
At the low end of the bar, we have the Giants of Hills
Who measure their power by how much it takes their stomach to fill
To creatures bigger than them, they respect and stay in their place
But for smallfolk like you, well, they'll squash in your face.
Next up is the Giants who live in in the mountains and under the stone
Bigger than their hill cousins but much smarter and less attack prone
They measure their prowess by their stone-crafting and art
But invade their space, and that stone just might become a homing dart!
The Fire Giant will attack with a fiery scourge
That he assembled himself in a fiery forge
The finer the craftsman, the more power he holds
Using fires to reshape irons, silvers, and golds
The cloud giant is elegant and often quite proud
They know they're better than you and say it quite loud
Extravagant and lavish, though sometimes borderline fruity
They value all sorts of treasure, both of riches and beauty
At the top of the chain is mighty Giant of Storms
Wise and strong, but benevolent, they stay out of the lives of the norms.
Still, to cross one of these border-line gods would be quite the blunder
For they'll blast you with lighting and thunder, and surely rip you asunder!
But how and why does each giant stay in its order and rank?
Shouldn't it be in their personalities, to get as much power as they can take?
Well, Annam instilled in them the Ordening, so each type will naturally know their place,
For he knew that's the only way they would survive, without any fighting in-race.
Without any further ado and with no gilding of the lily, here is another bit of prose from our very own Crispin!
The Ordening:
Oh Giants have internal gripes, and to be quite frank, are full of surprises
They come in all different types, and here they rank, mostly according to sizes.
At the low end of the bar, we have the Giants of Hills
Who measure their power by how much it takes their stomach to fill
To creatures bigger than them, they respect and stay in their place
But for smallfolk like you, well, they'll squash in your face.
Next up is the Giants who live in in the mountains and under the stone
Bigger than their hill cousins but much smarter and less attack prone
They measure their prowess by their stone-crafting and art
But invade their space, and that stone just might become a homing dart!
The Fire Giant will attack with a fiery scourge
That he assembled himself in a fiery forge
The finer the craftsman, the more power he holds
Using fires to reshape irons, silvers, and golds
The cloud giant is elegant and often quite proud
They know they're better than you and say it quite loud
Extravagant and lavish, though sometimes borderline fruity
They value all sorts of treasure, both of riches and beauty
At the top of the chain is mighty Giant of Storms
Wise and strong, but benevolent, they stay out of the lives of the norms.
Still, to cross one of these border-line gods would be quite the blunder
For they'll blast you with lighting and thunder, and surely rip you asunder!
But how and why does each giant stay in its order and rank?
Shouldn't it be in their personalities, to get as much power as they can take?
Well, Annam instilled in them the Ordening, so each type will naturally know their place,
For he knew that's the only way they would survive, without any fighting in-race.
Don't forget to check us out on Twitch and YouTube! We play most Sundays and upload the stream to YouTube same-day! You can also find us on twitter
@JgeonsDragclrk .
Saturday, June 2, 2018
"From the desk of Crispin the Bard" on Dragons
Welcome back to our weekly web series of musings from our friendly bard, Crispin!
Let this be a lesson, like judging your kin
You cannot judge a dragon by the tone of its skin
Sure, a snowy dragon is naturally blue
But these deceitful creatures can change colors on you
Not only that, but they can change shape and size
So think twice before giving that old miser stink eyes
Because next thing you know, you push on his shoulder
And the weight that you feel is like hitting a bolder
And as his magical breath freezes you into ice
You can't help but think "Man, I should've been nice!"
Let this be a lesson, like judging your kin
You cannot judge a dragon by the tone of its skin
Sure, a snowy dragon is naturally blue
But these deceitful creatures can change colors on you
Not only that, but they can change shape and size
So think twice before giving that old miser stink eyes
Because next thing you know, you push on his shoulder
And the weight that you feel is like hitting a bolder
And as his magical breath freezes you into ice
You can't help but think "Man, I should've been nice!"
Don't forget to check us out on Twitch and YouTube! We play most Sundays and upload the stream to YouTube same-day! You can also find us on twitter
@JgeonsDragclrk .
Friday, May 25, 2018
"From the desk of Crispin the Bard"
Hey folks!
This is our new weekly series featuring poems and lore written by our very own Crispin! So please check back every Friday for fun OC generated by own of our players!
This is our new weekly series featuring poems and lore written by our very own Crispin! So please check back every Friday for fun OC generated by own of our players!
"Delve too deep and you run the risk
Of coming face to face with a basilisk
Sharp rows of teeth, eight legs with sharp claws
Though theres more to fear than his arms and his jaw
Though theres more to fear than his arms and his jaw
Catch his gaze and you'll turn quick to stone
Then he'll make a snack of your rocky bones
Then he'll make a snack of your rocky bones
Even if you defeat it, you still must take great care
For the basilisk often live together in pair"
For the basilisk often live together in pair"
Sunday, May 20, 2018
Episode 36: Curse of Strahd pt. 17
We made our 2nd roll for #MinMaxMankind, which was another 11. So that brings our total up to $22 and we decided we will be donating that money to the ATI Foundation!
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Episode Link!
Sunday, May 6, 2018
Episode 35: Tomb of Annihilation pt. 4
Welcome to our first Tomb of Annihilation session posted to our blog!
This week, the party does some last minute preparations before finally heading into the jungles of Chult. They are apprehensive of the dangers that lurk beyond Nyanzaru, and their new guides don't do much to alleviate those fears.
We also made our first #RollForHumanity, which was an 11. So in honor of #MinMaxMankind, we will be donating $11 to a charity we all agree on!
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
We also made our first #RollForHumanity, which was an 11. So in honor of #MinMaxMankind, we will be donating $11 to a charity we all agree on!
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Sunday, April 29, 2018
Episode 34: Curse of Strahd pt. 16
This weeks episode the party finally returns to Vallaki, and find their biggest surprise yet. The bones of St. Andral will just have to wait! Also, check out our concluding segment regarding #MinMaxMankind and #RollForHumanity. You won't want to miss this one!
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
PS, the audio gets a little weird at about 2:40:00. The feed lost its connection and the stream got broken into 3 streams. We combined all 3 into 1 video to upload to YouTube.
Friday, April 27, 2018
An Open Letter to Lawful: Stupid from @TweetsofStrahd
Scott and the rest of @StupidLawful:
I would first like to thank you for your party in generating #MixMaxMankind. This is exactly the kind of action I have come to expect from the Dungeons & Dragons online community. You are the most current example of kindness, compassion, and drive that makes campaigns fun and communities thrive. It is an honor to be among the first wave of live-play games to enter this drive, and an honor that is not taken lightly.
Due to how widespread our players are, I would like to qualify the following: I speak only for myself. The rest of my group are not bound to the decisions I will be voicing below.
I do notice a couple of things I would like to change about this drive. In our current state, we are not interestied in generating profit. That would make our modifier for the drive +0. I think we can take Tyrannus' highest skill check from our HotDQ's arc (+11 to Performance, when including expertise and proficiency modifier) instead.
Additionally, I believe that your efforts in starting this drive have earned you advantage on the d20 roll. As the DM of Jaygeons & Dragclarks, I think this reasonable in order to build our community.
The charity I have chosen is the the Boys and Girls Club of Moline, Illinois. In addition to the money raised by the rolls and modifiers, I believe it should also be reasonable to leave a 5th Edition Starter's Kit for their Center.
J.Clark, @TweetsofStrahd
I would first like to thank you for your party in generating #MixMaxMankind. This is exactly the kind of action I have come to expect from the Dungeons & Dragons online community. You are the most current example of kindness, compassion, and drive that makes campaigns fun and communities thrive. It is an honor to be among the first wave of live-play games to enter this drive, and an honor that is not taken lightly.
Due to how widespread our players are, I would like to qualify the following: I speak only for myself. The rest of my group are not bound to the decisions I will be voicing below.
I do notice a couple of things I would like to change about this drive. In our current state, we are not interestied in generating profit. That would make our modifier for the drive +0. I think we can take Tyrannus' highest skill check from our HotDQ's arc (+11 to Performance, when including expertise and proficiency modifier) instead.
Additionally, I believe that your efforts in starting this drive have earned you advantage on the d20 roll. As the DM of Jaygeons & Dragclarks, I think this reasonable in order to build our community.
The charity I have chosen is the the Boys and Girls Club of Moline, Illinois. In addition to the money raised by the rolls and modifiers, I believe it should also be reasonable to leave a 5th Edition Starter's Kit for their Center.
J.Clark, @TweetsofStrahd
Wednesday, April 18, 2018
Coming Soon!
As per our 275 follower giveaway on twitter, our DM will be making his homebrew for Curse of Strahd available as a free PDF on our blog as soon as we wrap up that campaign! Stay tuned for updates and be sure to keep an eye on our Twitter for announcements regarding the giveaway and for future streams!
Episode 33: Curse of Strahd part 15
This weeks episode finds the party continuing through the Amber Temple. They find a bunch of loot, as well as some of the secrets that drew them to the Temple in the first place. Don't miss this thrilling conclusion to the Amber Temple!
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Don't forget to join us Sundays on Twitch, follow us on twitter @JgeonsDragclrk, and subscribe to our YouTube channel!
Thursday, January 4, 2018
This is the official blog for the Twitch and Youtube Dungeons & Dragons group, Jaygeons & Dragclarks. We are an actual play, 5th edition stream of 6 people playing both published and homebrew content.
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Curse of Strahd pt 17: Rahadin Again?
The party begins their expedition into Castle Ravenloft as we edge closer and closer to the finale of Curse of Strahd!
Scott and the rest of @StupidLawful : I would first like to thank you for your party in generating #MixMaxMankind . This is exactly t...
This weeks episode finds the party continuing through the Amber Temple. They find a bunch of loot, as well as some of the secrets that drew ...
The party finally returns to Vallaki, and find their biggest surprise yet! The bones of St. Andral will just have to wait! Also, check out o...